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Stuff My Dog Can Eat

When your furry friend wants you to share your food, do you often wonder “Can dogs eat this?” We did too, so we decided to find out.

Lucy the Chin-Pin

A question my partner and I find ourselves asking several times a week – as our dog Lucy (pictured) begs to partake in whatever it is that we’re eating – is “Can dogs eat that?” That’s followed by online searches and clicking through to several sites. Since we know we aren’t the only ones with these questions, we thought that we would start posting what we learn and eventually build this website into a collection of answers to that question for as many foods as possible. We’ll add links as the list grows, or you can just use the search tool to find the food you’re wondering about giving your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Pears? A Guide to Pears for Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Pears? A Guide to Pears for Dogs

Can dogs eat pears? Yes, you can feed pears to your dog. Dogs are omnivores and will happily eat fruits and vegetables, though not all dogs like the same food. Dogs can eat pears. In fact, dogs can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Are Pears Healthy for Dogs?...

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Can Dogs Eat Human Food?

We’re always asking ourselves which of our foods we can share with our pup, so we’re finding out for you too.

Can dogs eat watermelon?

Can dogs eat oranges?

Can dogs eat peaches?

Can dogs eat pears?

Want to make homemade recipes for your dog? Check out Real Food by our friends at Naturally Ready.

Real Food for Dogs - Homemade Recipes

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